IDIS is the Brazilian representative of Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), a British organization dedicated to philanthropy with over 90 years of experience. CAF supports donors – individuals and companies – in obtaining the maximum possible impact from their donations.
The partnership was stablished in 2005. From our office in São Paulo, we serve CAF’s international clients operating in Brazil and offer global services to Brazilian social investors.
CAF International is the greatest structure of support to social investors in the world. In addition to the headquarters in the UK, CAF also acts in South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, the United States, Ghana, Kenya, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan and Türkiye.
Thinking about facilitating and strengthening this international exchange, CAF launched in the first weeks of December 2022, during #philanthropyweek (philanthropy week), the Global Philanthropy Hub, which brings together contents, both from network members and also from other partners, making the discussion on Private Social Investment grow beyond the borders between countries.
There are 5 thematic macros that contain the contents, all in English, that can be explored in the Hub: Country Philanthropy Profiles, Supporting Emergency Relief, Enabling Private Philanthropy, Inspiring Corporate Giving e Facilitating Workplace Giving
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