For Companies

According to 2018 Census run by GIFE (Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies), the social investment of its associates has added up to R$ 3.25 billion, and companies, and corporate foundations and institutes, were responsible for 65% of that amount. During the pandemic, in 2020, the Donation Monitor revealed that of the R$ 6.5 billion donated as a response to COVID-19, 85% stemmed from companies.

In a context in which society demands increasingly more responsible attitudes and social commitment from the private sector, defining the focus of corporate social investments is fundamental for increasing the positive impact of social actions that will be developed and for doing the best with the available resources.

We support organizations in the definition or where they will act, considering at the same time the business challenges and the company’s calling, along with the social and environmental challenges to which they can donate. Considering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we give guidance with regards to the form of investment, if in projects of their own or supporting others’ projects, as well as the coverage. We also support investors in the implementation of programs and projects and then in the monitoring of such actions, as well as in the definition indicators for monitoring and assessment of the results and impacts they have reached. We offer customized options in team training, councils and organizations that support various topics (learn more here).

Learn about our services and see case examples that have been implemented.

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