
IDIS was born from a dream of one of the most important professionals of the social sector in Brazil. Marcos Kisil, or Dr. Marcos Kisil as he is commonly referred to due to his medical education, idealized and founded an organization that is capable of generating knowledge and applying techniques to support social investors, increasing relations between these investors and social entrepreneurs. In 1999 he founded IDIS, a nonprofit organization that has supported major Brazilian companies and families in their philanthropic journeys.

Many have joined this dream. Throughout the years, thousands of people have circulated through IDIS, be them collaborators, volunteers, board members, clients or partners that together contributed to the construction of a fair and solidary Brazil, and increased their knowledge and their ambitions of transforming the world around them.

When we completed 25 years of existence, IDIS celebrates not only its history, but especially all of the people who built it with us. Get to know the campaign ‘Social investment is about people’.

Here are some highlights:


Marcos Kisil founds IDIS, with support from the Kellogg Foundation.


Creation of the DOAR program, pioneer in supporting the development of strategic philanthropy in the community.


Creation of the area that focuses on families and individuals, bringing the concept of family philanthropy to Brazil.


First IDIS publications: Strategic Philanthropy: Elements for Reflection, Family Philanthropy: Elements for Strategic Action and Strategic Philanthropy in Brazil: Mobilizing Resources for Citizenship.


“International Seminar of Cause-Related Marketing”, a milestone in the arrival of the concept in Brazil.


Series of workshops about family philanthropy, which sought to qualify and increase social investment done by the individuals.


Beginning of the partnership with the British Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), which IDIS started to represent in Brazil.


Launch of the website, reaffirming IDIS’ goal of becoming a reference in knowledge generations about strategic philanthropy.


Launch of InVista Social, a monthly newsletter with content about Strategic Philanthropy and Giving Culture.


Creation of Foundation School, IDIS’ partner, along with CAF UK and CAF Russia in the dissemination of innovative practices for corporate and family social investors.


Celebration of 10 years of IDIS, with a process of reflection and readjustment of its management and structure, in an economic crisis scenario with shortage of resources for the Social Sector.


Announcement of the first edition of the World Giving Index, the first global solidarity list, that ranks over 130 countries.


Event on Endowment, launching the debate about the topic in Brazil.


First edition of the Brazilian Philanthropy Forum, in partnership with the Global Philanthropy Forum, the only event in the country of its kind.


Production of the documentary (Strategic Philanthropy: The Present is the Future), IDIS’ first feature film.


Paula Fabiani becomes CEO of IDIS, replacing the founder, Marcos Kisil.


Advisory to FEHSOP, accomplishing a great training project in mobilizing resources for over one hundred philanthropic hospitals in the state of São Paulo.


Launching of the first edition of Pesquisa Doação Brasil (Brazilian Giving Research), the only one to outline the profile of Brazilian donors and non-donors, in addition to projecting the total amount donated by individuals in Brazil.


IDIS is recognized as one of the 100 best NGOs in Brazil, standing out with regards to its management, governance, transparency, communication and financing.


Find Your Cause is launched, an initiative to strengthen the giving culture. It was the first time IDIS communicated directly with society as a whole.


IDIS celebrates 20 years of its founding. The Endowment Law is sanctioned in Brazil, as a result of advocacy campaign led by IDIS.


Creation of the Emergency Fund for Health – Coronavirus Brazil, with the allocation of USD 8 million to 60 hospitals. The project was recognized by the Social Entrepreneurship Award, promoted by Folha de S.Paulo.


Consolidation of the Transforming Territories Program, which promotes the development of community institutes and foundations in Brazil.


IDIS launches the Brazilian Endowments Outlook and is recognized as the best NGO in Philanthropy, Volunteering, and support to Civil Society Organizations in Brazil by the ‘Best NGO Award’, which also grants the title of top 100 Brazilian NGOs for the 4th time.


BNDES selects IDIS to manage the Together for Health Program, which will allocate R$200 million over four years to strengthen the SUS in the North and Northeast of Brazil. IDIS receives the GPTW seal.


IDIS celebrates 25 years and creates the Promoting Philanthropy Endowment. For the second time, it is recognized as the best NGO in Philanthropy, Volunteering, and support to Civil Society Organizations in Brazil by the ‘Best NGO Award’.