Health Emergency Fund – Coronavirus Brazil

Created by IDIS, Movimento Bem Maior and BSocial, the Health Emergency Fund was one of the first initiatives that were launched motivated by the pandemic. It reached expressive numbers: it raised R$ 40,4 million (equivalente do USD 8 million) in seven months of operation and has had 61 beneficiaries – 59 philanthropic hospitals, one research institute and one social organization –  contributing to the strengthening of the Brazilian public health system. Among the over 11 thousand donors, we see companies of different sizes and areas of expertise, in addition to families committed to philanthropy and civil society in general. The raised resources were converted to hospital equipment for ICU, and materials such as respirators, COVID-19 tests, masks, gloves, among others.

“This wave of solidarity definitively brought the strengthening of the collaboration culture in the country, and that of networking. The challenge of facing a global pandemic made the philanthropic national scene emerge with a never before seen or imagined velocity”, states the executive director for Movimento Bem Maior (Greater Good Movement), Carola Matarazzo.

This action is another example of how collaboration between civil society, companies and the government was important for facing the effects of the pandemic and the emergency challenges in such a scenario. The way the pandemic spread showed the importance of extending resources to states in a more vulnerable situation, such as Pernanbuco, Amazonas, Acre, Rio de Janeiro, Ceará, Minas Gerais, among others. In Manaus, where mortality was high, almost R$ 1 million were forwarded to two hospitals in the city. Various hospitals, known as Santa Casa da Misericórdia, all over the country also received resources to face the pandemic.

The creation of emergency funds was increased during the pandemic, and in 2021, a law was passed in the Senate and now transits the Chamber of Deputies. Considering that it will be more common from now on.

“Being a part of the Emergency Fund was an opportunity to act in a moment of need in our country, facing the pandemic, by offering a path for making donations reach philanthropic hospitals, taking resources to the frontlines of the battle against COVID. Transparency, union, strength and solidarity were the values that guided us,” says Maria Eugênia Duva Gullo, cofounder of BSocial.


_R$ 40,4 million in mobilized resources (equivalent to about USD 8 million on that year)

_61 institutions from 25 states benefited

_3,7 million PPE distributed

_362 thousand COVID-19 tests

_3.621 hospital equipment acquired

Over 11 thousand donors, among companies of different sizes and areas of expertise, in addition to families committed to philanthropic actions and civil society in general.


Check out the Health Emergency Fund report and how to create an Emergency Fund (material in Portuguese):