More than 15 years of experience in risk management, internal controls, and corporate resilience (crisis management and business continuity). Currently, she is the Head of Governance and Compliance at Circular Brain, a business professor with a purpose, startups one, and corporate training at FIAP, a professor in the MBA in ESG course at Ibmec RJ/Exame Academy, Ibmec SP, and PUC Minas Digital Education. Certified in the 6th class of the IBGC Board Diversity Program, 2nd class of the Board of Directors Training Program of the Business Initiative for Racial Equality by IBGC and B3, 1st class of the Conselheiras 101 board training program, associated with WCD (Women Corporate Directors), certified with MBCI-Master Business Continuity Certificate by the Business Continuity Institute, ISO 27002 (Information Security and Controls), ITIl v4, and Cobit 4.1. Co-author of the book ESG – The Green Swan and Stakeholder Capitalism (1st and 2nd editions) and columnist for careers and business at Mundo Negro and WOMEN TO WATCH of Meio & Mensagem. She is active in employee affinity groups and working groups focused on gender and race D&I, such as the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) and Cnesg. Recognitions: Inspiring leadership at Amil, finalist in the gender diversity group All for Women at the Chambers Law Colombia awards – LAC category; finalist in the racial diversity group Melanina at the Racial Equality Award.