In 2024, Together for Health, an initiative by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) managed by IDIS, expanded to all states in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, covering more than 350 cities.
Overall, more than 100 million BRL will be invested to strengthen public health in the North and Northeast regions throughout a four year period. Through a matchfunding strategy, BNDES and other supporters made donations that have allowed the program to support 14 projects committed to providing healthcare services to the population assisted by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Thus, the year wrapped up with two completed projects, five ongoing projects and seven other projects due to start in 2025.

IDIS Together for Health team in September 2024. Credit: André Porto and Caio Graça.
Primary Health Care in the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS)
Launched in January 2024, the public notice ‘SUS Primary Health Care in the North and Northeast regions’, was an initiative by Together for Health in partnership with Umane with the goal of supporting projects that would enhance Primary Health Care in cities in the North and Northeast regions with less than one doctor for every 1,000 habitants. Altogether, those selected could receive up to 20 million BRL in matchfunding.

Selection committee for the Primary Health Care notice (June 2024). Credit: Rosana Fraga/BNDES.
Through a thorough selection process, which included Q&A webinars and multiple phases for participants, in July 2024, five projects were selected to receive financial support amongst more than 40 applicants. Therefore, by the end of 2024, some of the selected initiatives, such as ‘United for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer in Brazil’ and ‘NoHarm: Intelligence for Patient Safety’ were already starting their activities.
“We expanded ‘Together for Health’, an impact program in partnership with BNDES and other private organizations, with the goal of strengthening the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) in the North and Northeast regions of the country. This year, we approved ten new projects, five of them selected through the public notice with the support from Umane. Overall, we finished 2024 with 14 projects approved in the Program, with a presence in all of the 16 states of the North and Northeast regions, amounting for a total of more than 110 million BRL invested in those territories until 2026”, said Luiza Saraiva, IDIS manager of Together for Health.
Regional Impact
During the year, the Together for Health team also conducted a series of follow-up and field monitoring visits to the cities participating in the various projects which are a part of the program.
In March, a meeting in São Luís in the state of Maranhão, brought together partners and representatives from 21 out of the 24 cities participating in the Social Protection Health Cycle project. Already in September, the team made a field visit to Lagarto, Sergipe, to follow-up on the results of the Dashboard of Mental Health Indicators project, which concluded its activities in the previous month.

IDIS, BNDES and ImpulsoGov (project executor) teams in Lagarto, Sergipe. Credit: IDIS.
Closing Cycles
In addition to being a year of expansion and implementation of the program, this was also the moment of closure for two projects of the Together for Health initiative. The Dashboard of Mental Health Indicators, supported by BNDES and RDSaúde, and executed by ImpulsoGov, helped expand access to simplified data and information for mental health managers in the 10 participating cities, in order to better guide the management made by the professionals involved in mental health services. Moreover, the first cycle of Impulso Previne strengthened the healthcare management in 19 cities where it operated through the increase in the use of health indicators, especially the cytopathological indicator, which is essential for the prevention of cervical cancer.
Perspectives for 2025
When one door closes, another one opens. We finish 2024 proud of what has been conquered so far. Throughout the second half of the year, the Program saw the formalization of procedural stages of new projects. With the support from public and philanthropic resources to the selected projects, in 2025 , we will be able to expand our work even more, aiming for a more technological and democratic public health system for the North and Northeast regions of the country.
“During the first two years of the Together for Health program, we dedicated ourselves to structure processes, gather supporters and executors, and therefore were able to build a diverse project portfolio with ambitious goals aiming for the strengthening of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) in the North and Northeast regions. For 2025, we hope to empower our partner network, promoting rich exchanges, collective learning experiences and integrating solutions that can enhance the results at the front line. Furthermore, we continue closely following the results accomplished on the territories in order to better comprehend the views of our beneficiaries – SUS health care professionals – and to better understand the impacts of our actions”, highlighted Luiza Saraiva.