This august, Brazilian companies announced their pledge to Commitment 1%. Envisioned by IDIS – Institute for the Development of Social Investment and Instituto MOL, this initiative seeks to promote donations made by companies to civil society organizations. Amongst the companies that confirmed their commitment to the movement are Cyrela, fama, Gaia Impacto, MOL Impacto, Pantys, PwC, RD Saúde and TozziniFreire Advogados as well as five other organizations are already at an advanced stage in the process of their adhesion.
Inspired by Pledge 1%, movement in the United States that gathers more than 15 thousand signatories, Commitment 1% aims to gather Brazilian companies that already donate at least 1% of their annual net profit and those that commit to reaching this donation level within two years. According to the publication Corporate Social Investment Benchmarking, in 2022, Brazilian companies donated R$4,026 billion. That value equals to about 1/3 of the total donated by individuals, according to IDIS Brazil Giving Research 2022. During the same period, donations made by individuals reached R$12,8 billion.
“The goal
of this commitment is to contribute to the progress of private social investment in Brazil and encourage the longevity of donations as a strengthening strategy of organized civil society. The third sector plays a crucial role in reducing inequalities. Here, we have serious organizations that have been working for a long time in a meaningful way, and financing the work and strengthening of these initiatives is what will assure social transformation in the medium to long-term in the country. And this progress is the company’s responsibility as well”, emphasizes IDIS’ CEO, Paula Fabiani.
To the signing parties, the benefits of committing to the movement will be seen in several areas: access to a community of exchanges and knowledge, visibility to the actions taken and reputational gains with stakeholders and becoming an influential agent in your acting market.
“The companies that are committing with the 1% are providing and excellent example for others to follow the same path. As Ralph Waldo Emerson says: “Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” – Aron Zylberman, Instituto Cyrela
At the same time as the recurring and strategic practice of philanthropy contributes to accelerating positive social change and strengthening civil society, companies can develop better relations with their contributors, suppliers and consumers. There is also potential impact on fundraising in the financial market (the strengthening of the S in the ESG helps drive valuation).

Launching event of Commitment 1% which happened in São Paulo in PwC Brazil’s headquarters.
The adhesion process includes the confirmation of the donations conducted and can be made online in the commitment’s website.
“Commitment 1%
is an ambitious and impactful project, capable of driving and accelerating the way that companies commit to the present and future of society, investing to strengthen relevant projects that need resources to keep going”, emphasizes Rodrigo Pipponzi, cofounder of Instituto MOL.
Access the Commitment 1% website here, available in English.
1% changes the world!