Brazil drops to 89th position and Indonesia retains top place in World Giving Index

Around the world, 4.2 billion people helped someone they didn’t know, volunteered time or donated money to a good cause according to the Charities Aid Foundation’s World Giving Index 2023.

For the sixth year in a row, the world’s most generous country is Indonesia. The second most generous country in the world is Ukraine, which is also the Index’s biggest riser this year, increasing its score after ranking tenth last year. Only three of the top 10 countries are among the world’s largest economies (Indonesia, United States, and Canada), while one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world – Liberia – is ranked in fourth highest place.

The CAF World Giving Index is one of the biggest surveys on giving ever produced, with millions of people interviewed around the world since 2009. This year’s Index includes data from 142 countries where people were asked three questions: have they helped a stranger, given money or volunteered for a good cause over the past month. As CAF official partner at Brazil, IDIS – Institute for the Development of Social Investment is promoting and analysing the national data.


After being among the 20 most generous nations in the ranking, Brazil fell to position 89. There was a drop in all indicators, the most pronounced being donations to NGOs, which went from 41% to 26%. Helping strangers was practiced by 64% of respondents in 2022, also less than the 76% found on the previous year. Volunteering fell from 25% in 2021 to 21%. The average score stood at 37%. Although Brazil had better positions in the ranking in previous years, this was the country’s second highest score since the index’s launch in 2009.

According to Paula Fabiani, CEO of IDIS, “The previous edition still reflected the impacts of the pandemic, when generosity was on the rise and the forms of participation, whether through donations or volunteering, were more evident. The drop in the coverage of these issues in the media, added to the impoverishment of the population and the climate of uncertainty and distrust common in election periods, contributed to a decrease in the population’s participation in the practice of donation”.


Fabiani considers that in the period there were also important movements in other countries, especially regarding the increase in donations, which led them to gain better positions.

New data available this year shows the factors that influence generosity around the world:


  • People who have a strong religious belief have a higher overall giving index score, except for Europe where it makes no difference.
  • People who rated their life in positive terms were more likely to have made a gift to charity, with some of the happiest countries in the world ranking in the top 10 for donating money (Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, and Iceland).
  • Immigrants are more likely to give than nationals, particularly in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Those who say they were born in another country tend to have a higher index score than nationals on average in most regions.

Neil Heslop OBE, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said:

“The CAF World Giving Index gives us reasons for hopeful optimism at a time of great instability. Generosity is innate to human behaviour and binds us all together as a global community. The diversity of countries leading the index highlights this: they cover the spectrum of wealth and economic development, geography, language, religion and culture. Giving is about building a connection with those around us, whether they are across the street or on the other side of the world. That is why we are calling on governments to do more to encourage those who can, to give the money and time that fosters vibrant, resilient civil society organisations as they face into social and environmental challenges and the impact of conflict and population displacement.”


Top 10 countries in the CAF World Giving Index 2023

  1. Indonesia
  2. Ukraine
  3. Kenya
  4. Liberia
  5. United States of America
  6. Myanmar
  7. Kuwait
  8. Canada
  9. Nigeria
  10. New Zealand
  11. Brazil


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Notes to Editors

  1. For more information, please email
  2. The CAF World Giving Index is based on data from Gallup’s World View World Poll, which is an ongoing research project carried out in more than 100 countries. For detailed information on the World Poll methodology:

Global CAF conference promotes network integration and discusses global philanthropy trends

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Global Leadership Conference brought together representatives from partner organizations in the first week of June. The event took place in London, where the organization’s headquarters are located.

Since 2005, IDIS has been the representative of CAF in Brazil, a British organization dedicated to philanthropy with 100 years of experience, supporting donors – individuals, major donors, and companies – in achieving the greatest possible impact from their initiatives. Starting this year, new members will join the network, which currently includes representatives from South Africa, Bulgaria, Canada, the United States, India, New Zealand, and Turkey.

The event is a celebration of partnerships and international collaboration in the field of philanthropy, reaffirming the institution’s commitment to the continuous growth of international giving practices.

Paula Fabiani, CEO of IDIS, was one of the guests at the event. She was able to share some perspectives on philanthropy in Brazil and highlight the importance of collaboration in increasing international donations to our country.

Paula was one of the speakers at the parallel event, open to external guests, called ‘Powering World Giving Reception,’ where she emphasized Brazil’s position at 18th place in the World Giving Index, our challenges, and advancements in the philanthropic field. She shared the stage with Grace Maingi, Executive Director of the Kenya Community Development Foundation, who shared insights on philanthropy in Kenya, and Emma Cherniavsky, CEO of the UK for UNHCR, who contributed with a speech on the role of networks in encouraging international donations.

“I was truly inspired to hear from incredible people from around the world! I would like to thank the entire CAF team for their impeccable organization and the wonderful reception,” says Paula Fabiani.

CAF launches Global Philanthropy Hub with free content from 10 countries

The platform aims to promote the culture of giving around the world, through content on philanthropy produced by partners of CAF’s International Network

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is a British organization dedicated to philanthropy for over 90 years, facilitating donations and charitie programs around the world. In Brazil, CAF has been represented by IDIS since 2005.

Nowadays, CAF International is the largest support structure for philanthropy around the world. Beyond of the UK Office, the network also includes operations in South Africa, Australia (Good2Give), Brazil (IDIS), Bulgaria (BCause), Canada, United States, India, and Turkey (Tusev).

Thinking about facilitating and strengthening this cross-border giving, CAF launched in the first weeks of December 2022, during #philanthropyweek , a  Philanthropy Hub, which brings together contents, both from network members and other partners in 10 different countries.

The Hub includes content about the themes:

  • Country Philanthropy Profiles
  • Supporting Emergency Relief
  • Enabling Private Philanthropy
  • Inspiring Corporate Giving
  • Facilitating Workplace Giving


View philanthropy as a borderless endeavour

By Atti Worku at Alliance Magazine

Looking back on the Brazilian Philanthropy Forum 2022 brings me a sense of joy and excitement. When IDIS invited me to join the panel to discuss collaboration in philanthropy, there was no way I could pass up the chance to join forces with my fellow panelists to highlight the importance and impact of localising philanthropy.

My introduction to IDIS came about a year ago by way of the Alliance magazine team. I’ve always been impressed with their work and was reaffirmed during the conference as I learned more about the multi-pronged and progressive approach they take in their work in the philanthropic space. While I initially didn’t know what to expect, I was confident that the event would be well-run given the thorough and friendly preparation process of the IDIS team.

I landed in Brazil a few days before the event. I was lucky enough to spend that time exploring São Paulo, and I found the city to be immensely beautiful and fun. From the MASP’s Black and Indigenous art to the stellar sushi restaurants, I fell in love with the small slice of this stunning city. I also joined other panelists for pre-conference dinners and had the pleasure of connecting with Matthew Bishop, a renowned economist who shares a similar vision to mine for modern philanthropy. I’ve admired his work for a while, so it was really special to meet and sit with him on a panel.

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Global generosity growth as more people donate and help strangers

Brazil reaches record and is among the 20 most supportive countries in the world

More people donated money to charity and helped a stranger last year than in any year of the previous decade, according to the Charities Aid Foundation’s – represented in Brazil by IDIS, World Giving Index 2022.

Around the world, 3 billion people helped someone they didn’t know last year, increasing by approximately half a billion compared to prior to the pandemic.  Around 200 million more people also donated money to charity worldwide, with donations rising by 10% in high-income economies.

The World Giving Index is one of the biggest surveys into giving ever produced with nearly 2 million people interviewed since 2009. This year’s Index includes data from 119 countries, representing more than 90% of the global adult population. People around the world are asked three questions: have they helped a stranger, given money or volunteered for a good cause over the past month? Produced by CAF, the World Giving Index will launch during the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, at an event in New York to discuss the role of the private sector in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

For the fifth year in a row, the world’s most generous country is Indonesia, followed by Kenya in second place. Many high-income countries returned to the top 10, having seen a steep decline in volunteering and giving since 2018 which accelerated during the pandemic. In addition to the United States in third place, Australia (4), New Zealand (5), and Canada (8) join the world’s most generous countries.

The United Kingdom ranks 17th overall, up from 22nd in 2020, largely due to many lower-income countries also increasing their scores and rising the Index.

Ukraine came out 10th in the Index, rising from 20th in the previous year, and is the only European country occupying a place in the top 10. The high score from data collected prior to the 2022 conflict reflects the new ways to engage with charity which emerged in Ukraine, along with an increase in living standards and the need that was created by the pandemic.

Neil Heslop OBE, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said:

“Giving takes different forms around the globe, and even the definitions of what constitutes charity and generosity differ across cultures. Our World Giving Index aims to measure generosity as expressed through three human behaviours. Encouragingly, the overall Index score has increased, indicating that people around the world have been engaging more in generous actions than during the previous year.

“Against an uncertain economic, social, and political backdrop, the World Giving Index improves our understanding about global giving. Covid-19 has affected the world’s poorest and vulnerable the most, which has also disrupted progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Private donors and businesses are likely to be called upon to fill funding gaps and charities will need to work out how best to direct their limited funding for the greatest impact. However, in the wake of two difficult years and with further challenges likely to come, we continue to see great instances of global generosity.”




World Giving Index 2022 Top 20 countries:




Ranking Score
Indonesia 1 68%
Kenya 2 61%
United States of America 3 59%
Australia 4 55%
New Zealand 5 54%
Myanmar 6 52%
Sierra Leone 7 51%
Canada 8 51%
Zambia 9 50%
Ukraine 10 49%
Ireland 11 49%
Thailand 12 48%
Czech Republic 13 48%
Nigeria 14 48%
United Arab Emirates 15 47%
Poland 16 47%
United Kingdom 17 47%
Brazil 18 47%
Guinea 19 47%
Philippines 20 47%